The following api apply the receipt created.
The minimum parameters required are given below.
-- Standard API parameters.
p_api_version => 1.0,
p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE,
p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
x_return_status => L_RETURN_STATUS1,
x_msg_count => L_MSG_COUNT1,
x_msg_data => L_MSG_DATA1,
-- Receipt application parameters.
p_cash_receipt_id => l_RECEIPT_ID,
p_receipt_number => NULL,
p_customer_trx_id => l_customer_trx_id,
p_trx_number => NULL,
p_installment => NULL,
p_applied_payment_schedule_id => NULL,
p_amount_applied => l_receipt_amt,
-- this is the allocated receipt amount
p_amount_applied_from => NULL,
p_trans_to_receipt_rate => NULL,
p_discount => NULL,
p_apply_date => SYSDATE,
p_apply_gl_date => SYSDATE,
p_ussgl_transaction_code => NULL,
p_customer_trx_line_id => NULL,
p_line_number => NULL,
p_show_closed_invoices => NULL,
p_called_from => NULL,
p_move_deferred_tax => NULL,
p_link_to_trx_hist_id => NULL,
-- ******* Global Flexfield parameters *******
p_comments => L_ORDER_NUMBER,
p_payment_set_id => NULL,
p_application_ref_type => l_application_ref_type,
p_application_ref_id => l_application_ref_id,
p_application_ref_num => l_application_ref_num,
p_secondary_application_ref_id => l_secondary_application_ref_id,
p_application_ref_reason => NULL,
p_customer_reference => NULL,
p_customer_reason => NULL,
p_org_id => fnd_profile.VALUE('ORG_ID')