Sunday, September 6, 2009

AR Auto Invoice Interface in oracle apps

AR Auto Invoice Interface SetUp Needed : 1) Define Transaction [i.e Invoice ] Source : [ Set Up Transaction Sources ]2) Define Transaction Flexfield [i.e DFF] : [ Set Up FinancialDescriptiveSegments Process:1) Created Staging Table and then its Synonym in Apps schema.2) Using SQL*Loader, populate staging table.3) Run the AutoInvoice Interface (i.e pakage we created ) to populate Interface tables.4) Run the Concurrent Prog : AutoInvoice Master Program’ for importing to Base Tables.5) If we get any error, we can use ‘AutoInvoice Correct Form’ to fix the errors. Interface tables: RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL,RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALLRA_INTERFACE_SALESREPS_ALL Base tables: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL, RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALLRA_CUST_TRX_GL_DIST_ALL RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_SALESREPS Staging Table Col: Customer#, CustomerName, ItemDesc, Ref#, Amt, TrxDate, TrxType, Line#, StatusMsg.Interface Table Cols: BatchSourceName, SOBID, LineType, Desc, CurrencyCode, Amt, CustTrxTypename, TermName, OrigSystemBillCustomerRef, OrigSystemBillAddressRef, ConversionType,ConversionRate, TrxDate, GLDate, Qty, OrgID, InterfaceLineAttribute 1-4, InterfaceLineContext.InterfaceLineAttribute 1-4, Account Class, Org ID, Amount, CCID. Concurrent Program: Auto Invoice Master Program Validations: Check for amount, batch source name, conversion rate, conversion type.Validate orig_system_bill_customer_id, orig_system_bill_address_id, validate quantity, Validate if the amount includes tax flag. (A) Base TableInterface ColumnsValidationsBatch Source IDMust exist in RABatchSourcesAll (Name). BatchSourceType = ‘Foreign’.Batch Source NameSOB ID, Line Type, Desc, Currency Code, Conversion Type, Trx Date, Receipt Method Name, Interface StatusAll are Not Null Columns.(Exchange Rate)Conversion RateIf conversion type = ‘user’ then this column must not be null, otherwise it must be null.Exchange Rate TypeConversion TypeMust exist in (Revenue Amount)AmountIf LineType = ‘Charges’ Then this col must be NULL.(Extended Amount)AmountWhen Create_Clearing=’No’ then AutoInvoice will correct the Revenue Amounts that have the wrong currency precision.When Create_Clearing=’No’ thenIt will go to Revenue Amount Accounting Rule DurationAccounting Rule ID (B) : If in Auto-Invoice, we choose Auto-Accounting, Then we don’t need this Interface.Base TableRA_Cust_Trx_Line_GL_dist_AllInterface ColsValidationsAccount ClassMust be either Rev, Freight, Tax, Rec, charges, UnBill, or Unearn.CCIDMust exist in .RA_Customer_Trx_Lines_AllInterface Line ContextIf we pass lines with GlobalContext, then we have to set this col to ‘Global Data Elements’PercentThe Sum of ll Accunting distribution percentages for a Trx must sum to 100 for an account class.Segment 1-6(If we have 6 Accounting Flexfield Segments)Valid combination of Accounting Flexfield segment value must exist in . Who’s Column :- Last Updated By, Llast Update Date, Created By, Creation Date are Nulls here.